May 19, 2011

Nerdy Dating Post

I love nerds. I think most girls secretly do. I would have to say, hands down, my boyfriend Tyler and I are probably the nerdiest couple I know. Our idea of 'date' night involves some co-op or multiplayer video game, a home cooked meal, and maybe a game or two of Pokemon cards. I think stereotypical dates are really boring, so I've set it upon myself to create a list of fun, nerdy date ideas. Try them out yourself! ;)

Boyfriend + comic book store + Darth Vader = Amazing date!

  1. Play a co-op or multiplayer game together. Good ones to start: Guitar Hero, Resident Evil 5, Gears of War, Halo, basically any that you feel comfortable playing. This is a great date idea for those long distance relationships. Even if you don't have the same games, get on Live or skype and chat while you play.
  2. Take a mini vacation to a convention. Get a classy hotel for the weekend, and make it part romantic getaway, part ultimate gaming experience!
  3. Do a matching cosplay together for said convention. Working on your cosplays together will, first of all, be fun and it will keep both of you dedicated and motivated. Cosplay is so much fun with two people.
  4. Go to a midnight release of your favorite game. Some of my favorite date nights involved midnight releases. We usually like to play some of the demo or the previous game before the release to get pumped. Sometimes we even dress up for them. We made matching tee shirts for the Mass Effect 2 launch. 
  5. Have a movie marathon. Good contenders: Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Family Guy Star Wars, and basically any other nerdy trilogy.
  6. Make your own 'achievements' and have fun unlocking them in your relationship. De-Glunk: first date complete. Can you 1000 point your love?
  7. If you absolutely have to incorporate a little alcohol into your 'date', make your favorite video game into a drinking game OR try making a video game related drink together. You can find some great ideas here. My summer goal is to turn Sonic into a drinking game :P
  8. Instead of giving traditional anniversary or valentine's day gifts - try having a nerdy gift-off. Pick a price and compete to find the greatest, coolest, nerdiest steal. Ideas may include: Collectible cards, figures, comics, favorite games but from Japan, geek tees, useless nerdy household items, etc. 

I realize a lot of these dates are more of fun things to do than actual dates, but give em a try and let me know what you think. If you've got any other suggestions leave a comment - I need some new creative nerdy date ideas! Also remember to apply for the Gamer of the Month at

As Always,


jennifer said...

Those are also good nerdy married people with little nerdy children date ideas. Only 1 or 2 require a babysitter.

I love the achievement idea, we might have to try that.

BK said...

UR cute. I like your list.

Semphora said...

nice list. especially the achivement idea!

Disc07 said...

Pick up a game you two know nothing about, turn the volume off, the subtitles off, and narrate through the gameplay and cinematics. It is so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Whenever my boyfriend and I aren't able to be together, we have xbox live dates. In other words, we get in a party, play some COD, and not let any of our friends join us so we can have alone time while taking down the competition. Its not much, but I think its cute!

michal said...

skype dating

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Unknown said...

hahah Disc07 LOVE that idea, so funny.

Platformgirls - I do that too, xbox dates are so great. It's a fun way to stay in touch and do something you both love.

Meet Singles online said...

Fantastic list.I think number 10 is abit funny.And will only work out if the person you are going out with also like nerds..

Livespace said...

Fantastic list.I love it.

rahul said...

After reading your post I can say no one can explain this thing better than you. Really good work you done here. Hope to see more good posts.

Speed Dating Edinburgh said...

it`s really ok for a couple (newly weds) or even with kids - parents can sit with them while u will be enjoying ur time)

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