April 13, 2011

Ten Reasons TO Date Girl Gamers Post

I saw this article on reasons why NOT to date Girl Gamers while perusing the internet and thought to myself, "wow, this is sexist." So I decided to take it upon myself to right this wrong and post 10 reasons why you should date gamer girls.

1. You Share Common a Interest
This will give the two of you something special that you can do together on nights at home. It will give you something to love (besides each other) and it will strengthen your friendship by focusing on something outside of your relationship. She might even encourage your own passion for gaming.

2. Teach Each Other New Gaming Skills.
Being different gamers, you will each have a different skill set or specialty. She may be amazing at RPGs, and he can kick ass on FPS. You can teach each other some new skills to expand your gaming collection. You can help her use both sticks to aim and move, while she can teach you all about side quests.

3. Experience New Games
By dating a gamer girl, you may be introduced to some new games and genres that you typically wouldn't play. It's like having your own personal video game recommender. She knows you better than anyone, trust her when she says you'll like Viva Pinata.

4. We are Laidback
Have you ever heard of a uncool gamer girl? I seriously haven't. I know there are tons of stereotypes, but think of the 'real' gamer girls that you know. We're chill. I mean, we have to be for all the crap we put up with on Live :P

5. We Will Always Know What Games To Buy You
You ask for video games for every birthday, anniversary, and any other celebration. We know exactly which ones to get you without even asking. We might even surprise you with super rare collectible stuff from your favorite game, tickets to gaming conventions, and that new Xbox controller. Only catch is that we expect the same ;)

6. Always Have Someone to Do Co-Op Achievements With
We need them too!

7. Promotes Confidence in Life and in Gaming
Video gaming together will improve how you support each other and will often result in confidence in your gaming ability and self esteem. Whenever you get killed or fail a challenge, support each other by saying, "Don't worry, we'll get 'em next time".You will always have her to encourage you and vice versa.

8. We Understand That You Will Go Into Hiding When the Gears of War 3 Beta Comes Out
We won't hassle or nag you about it. We will be in our own video game cave chainsawing Locusts. This is the same for any new game.

9. We Will Always Stay Lady-Like
We won't trash talk or swear at stupid kids. We are lady gamers and we will be classy. We will always maintain our femininity while pwning. Remember we are gamer GIRLS.

10. Gamer Girls are Straight Up Awesome
We pwn and that is why you love us.

I hope together we can change stereotypes of Girl and Guy Gamers and create a community of gender equality. I will be working on a short video and maybe an article on the topic of gender in gaming in the near future, any volunteer interviewees would be great! Thanks for hearing out my little rant.

As always,


Semphora said...

while i totaly agree with you, i'm not shure the original article is ment to be taken serously.
looking foreward to the video.

Unknown said...

I agree with you Semphora, the original article is supposed to be funny. And although I laughed while reading it, I realized that this isn't how I want to be viewed as a girl gamer (Or even as a woman in general). I want to change the idea that women who game aren't jokes or posers and really try to redefine stereotypes.

PS. Thanks for the support, the video will be coming in probably a few weeks :)

Nathan Therrien said...

Gamer girls are the only ones who understand at the end of the day. Good counter blog

Witchalok said...

Though I'll admit my best girlfriends have been gamers, a lot of these apply to being friends with people who like games in general, male or female.

That said, my favorites are 5 and 6, especially the part about knowing which titles to buy gamer girlfriends.

Anonymous said...

9. We Will Always Stay Lady-Like
We won't trash talk or swear at stupid kids. We are lady gamers and we will be classy. We will always maintain our femininity while pwning. Remember we are gamer GIRLS.


Are you serious? You're not a GIRL unless you're feminine? Heaven forbid a woman doesn't completely fit into society's gender norms. Lame lame lame. Awful.

Unknown said...

I'm not trying to prescribe gender roles. I'm sorry if I offended you, I meant no harm.
This could be easily written about gentleman gamers as well. I think behaving like a lady or a gentleman is just good manners.

VideoGameStupid said...

I would be interested in being an interviewee for your future video. I'm not a girl but i have been close friends with a girl gamer and can dish out some insight and etc.

Unknown said...

That sounds great! I'm looking for both girls and guys, anyone who is really into gaming. Shoot me an email at ladysnip3r@assassionista.com and we can figure out a time to do it over skype or iChat :)

Anonymous said...

as a fellow girl gamer i truly appreciate this entire post! it's so irritating to either be stereotyped as a weirdo or even worse to have people think girls can't really game. love the blog, keep writing!

Unknown said...

Thanks, I really appreciate your support!

Anonymous said...

Yea except Gamer chicks are either super rare or they are super not single. I totally agree with this article though. If a girl is better then me in a game, it opens up good conversation and fun competiveness. Plus its a turn on if she kicks my butt in the game haha.

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