April 11, 2011

Pokémon Black and White Video Review Post

I've been in a Pokémon mood lately. Probably because I competed in a TCG competition on Sunday (I came in 7th...out of 14...sadface). Or because I just want to be the very best like no one ever was.

I decided to start making video reviews of games that I'm playing. They might be a little delayed in terms of relativity to their release dates, mostly because I'm what you would call a 'slow' gamer. Either way, I promise to make them fun and exciting. I've recently destroyed the final badge of Pokémon Black and am on my way to the Elite Four! Whoot!

Wow, check out that thumbnail - attractive.

In gaming news, the Pokémon Victini will be available for download for another couple weeks. The date has been pushed from today untill April 27th. Grab your copy of Pokémon and follow these helpful steps to capturing your own Victini (He's Fire/Psychic type, so you know he's awesome). The Pokémon Global Link is also opening on Wednesday and I will have full coverage of it's features and review of it's compatibility with the DS game later this week.

Bethesda bumps up the release date of Brink - it's new multiplayer shooter. It is now coming out May 10 on both PS3 and Xbox 360. I think Bethesda did this to avoid competing with the upcoming L.A. Noire which previously shared a release date. Either way, Brink fans will be pumped. It's rare for a game to push up the release date, most game companies delay, delay, delay.

I was also mentioned in Crabcat's fan page today, I am honored to be named the best Misty cosplayer they've seen. Keep an eye out for them every week with their Friday Fun Times - some great cosplay tutorials. I hope everyone hasn't had that manic of a Monday and remember, gotta catch em all ;)

As always,


rachael said...

Love the Team Rocket t-shirt!
also, get on catching Victini! It (genderless!) is actually incredible. Word of caution, he's a pain to catch. Be prepared with many great balls.

rachael said...

Also, I totally still mash A-button out of habbit...oops?

Unknown said...

Thanks! I figured it was fitting with the situation. I know I've got to get on that, I've got the Liberty Pass but have yet to go catch up, thanks for the heads up about the pokeballs :)

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