April 15, 2011

Cosplay Project Post

I mentioned in a previous post that I would be revealing my amazing cosplay idea for the upcoming months. I am going to be cosplaying as Anya Stroud from Gears of War 3.

I tossed around a bunch of ideas in my head for the upcoming PAX, and had to eliminate the majority of them based on budget and skill level. I'm a total newbie cosplayer and will be seeking help, advice, and suggestions from fellow cosplayers. I will be documenting my process and also providing some tips I learn along the way.

Here's my 'plan':

I've got to figure out how I am going to do each component. If you've got any suggestions or ideas to help me, lemme know! I'm so pumped to have a gears tank top custom made - I'll probably wear it everywhere.

Another blog update: I'm going to focus the majority of gaming news on my twitter, @assassionista. It provides more up to date news and is very user-friendly. Check it out :)

I'm looking for 'gamers' to interview for an upcoming piece. I'm going to focus on women in gaming, such as characters, cosplayers, and the social aspect of gaming. I would love some volunteers to do either skype interviews or by email. I might split this piece into a video and a HUGE blog post in the near future. If you have any ideas or suggestions, or just want to volunteer, lemme know by commenting or at assassionista@gmail.com.


Anonymous said...

You can use some cheap or 2nd hand ice hockey shin guards. Painted up they'd look perfect.

Unknown said...

That's what I was thinking. Maybe adding a bit to them to jazz it up, but I think the texture would be perfect.

cosplay said...

It's been too long. We need an update of this project!

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