June 23, 2011

Literature & Gaming

I absolutely love video games. But what I love even more than video games is books. I saw this article on Kotaku earlier today and it got me thinking; what would happen to video games if they begin to incorporate literature?

Now, this may seem like the worst idea in the world (ex: reading = school, school = bad). But you, my friend, are wrong. Do you remember the classic 2007 video game Bioshock? Did you enjoy it? I'm gonna take a stab that your favorite parts of the game were the unique world of Rapture, the dynamic characters, and thick plot. Well, Bioshock was based off of a book. Atlas Shrugged to be exact. Maybe you can recall a few other great video games such as Metro 2033, Dante's Inferno, Alice: Madness Returns, Lord of the Rings, The Witcher, Tom Clancy Rainbow 6 to name a few. All based off books.

By now, I'm hoping that you're rethinking you're first reaction to books being adapted to video games. There are so many amazing books in the world, both old and new, that are just begging to be turned into video games. I've compiled a list of a few that I would love to play...

 1984 by George Orwell
This is my favorite book of all time, so obviously I would love to play it. I'm not quite sure how this would translate to video games, but the whole dystopian world of the novel would be a really interesting setting for a game. War is Peace.

Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
I think a really cool sherlock holmes game would be awesome. Think LA Noire in that time period. I would love hunting for clues, consulting with Watson, and fighting bad guys. They'd also have to through in a pipe for Holmes.

The Road by Cormack McCarthey
Or another equally emotional post-apocolyptic novel. I am not too interested in post-apocolyptic settings (like Fallout), but the emotional quality of this book really drew me in. I would love to see more games focus on an emotional connection, that was genuine rather than cheesy and forced. I know it sounds impossible, but I think this could be really cool. Imagine your character taking an incredibly long and frustrating journey south in a post-apocolyptic world, filled with cannabals, nuclear waste, and dangerous animals. Than add in the element of protecting your son. Beautiful.

Those are just a few of the great books that could be converted/adapted to the video game medium. I'm a little biased with my choices because I'm a huge sci-fi (especially dystopian worlds) fan. I don't think that video games could be a direct port of a book, but I do feel that the worlds and characters of novels could easily be incorporated into an interactive medium. I'm super interested in the similarities and differences between literature and video games, and actually plan on writing my undergraduate dissertation on that topic. If you ever wanna talk books, send me a line.

As Always,

PS. What books would you love to play?

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