Amanda McGinnis is the creator and editor in chief of Assassionista. Currently, she is in university for English with a minor in film studies and spends her time commuting between Canada and the U.S. Her favorite games include Gears of War, Mass Effect, and Resident Evil 4. Aside from gaming, she spends her time reading, shopping, and costume making. She's also on practically every social website (DeviantArt, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc.) so if you see LadySnip3r feel free to add her!
Gamertag: LadySnip3r AM

Tyler Erickson is a jack of all trades at Assassionista. He does most of the photography, contests, promotions, and is in the process of creating an Assassionista podcast. He's currently in school for Marketing and has a love of anything Apple. His favorite games include Mass Effect, Halo, Gears of War, and Resident Evil 5. When Tyler gets into a video game, he takes on that game from all mediums, whether it's novels, action figures, clothing, soundtracks, or art books. The franchises listed above are merely a fraction of the museum that makes up his collection.
Gamertag: DarkSnip3r TJ

LastRyghtz is the lead graphic artist of Assassionista. He's got a degree in Art Education with plans on getting another in Animation. His favorite games are Portal, Dead Space, Gears of War, Silent Hill, inFamous...the list goes on. LastRyghtz loves art (duh) and when not being fragged online, he enjoys drawing comics and cosplaying.

Vanguard, otherwise known as Max, is a freelance photographer based out of Kansas City and founder of his own photography studio, Vanguard Imageworks. As well as being an artist and an occasional writer he's also a card-carrying member of geek society and an avid gamer. When not trying to busy himself with something of actual worth he can often be seen playing games and shouting his opinions at random passers-by regardless of whether or not they want to hear them. Van's favorite games include The Longest Journey, the Mass Effect series, American McGee's Alice, Team Fortress 2, and the Dawn of War series.
Vangaurd on deviantART
Gamertag: Vanguard1219
Steam: Vanguard1219

Hansumbwondrful, or Rob Morgan, is the newest member at Assassionista, and has taken over the Gaming 101 section. He's been gaming as long as he can remember on the Colecovision, NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, PC, Xbox 360, PS2 and PS3. He leans toward RPGs for their immersion and replay ability and he's been a modder with the Total War series and Mount & Blade. He's beta tested the original Ultima Online, Asheron's Call 2, and Star Wars: Galaxies. His favorite games include Grand Theft Auto IV, Freespace 2, Mass Effect 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Fallout 3, and Halo: Reach. In his other life, he's an aspiring writer and budding prop and costume maker. If you see Rjames112 on any gaming/cosplay/propmaker site, it's probably him.
Gamertag: Hansumbwondrful

ShadowSnip3r, or Ryan Clayton, is the fantastic co-host of the Assassionista podcast. He also takes most of the photos on here from conventions. He is currently studying political science at college and plans to join the Air Force upon graduation. His favorite games include Bethesda’s Fallout 3, Bioware’s Mass Effect series and FPS games such as Battlefield 3 and Halo Reach. Ryan also hosts the podcast Tic-Tac-Fragged, which discusses anything and everything within the realm of gaming. Aside from video games, he enjoys playing sports, car shows and spending time with friends and family.
Gamertag: ShadowSnip3r RC