Ever played a game that made you so mad you rage-quit? How about so angry you threw your controller? Well I'm going to countdown the top 8 Rage games that have made me scream, curse, and even break things. I was going to do a more traditional top 10, but couldn't think of that many games that made me angry.
8. Any Pokèmon Game
Gotta Catch Em All? How about when that legendary you've been fighting for what seems like forever, runs away...or faints? How about when after hours of shiny hunting, you find it only to have it run away... or faint? How about when you white/black out and you haven't saved since Pallet town? Pokèmon is full of opportunities to rage. Take a deep breath, and remember they're just Pocket Monsters.
7. Guitar Hero
I was a guitar hero junkie. I would play it for hours and hours, perfecting my skills for parties and hangouts. I would play on practice mode so I could play expert songs without missing a note. Occasionally (actually frequently), I would play a song till the very end and miss the last note. Not only was it the final note and ruined my perfection, but it was usually a 20 second hold note. How embarrassing. I would rage.
6. Mass Effect
I hate driving games. I really do. So I was pumped to play Mass Effect, a space RPG with elements of a shooter. Until I realized half of the game is spent driving the most glitchy, frustrating space car. I would get stuck upside down, be devoured by aliens, and even glitch out of the vehicle while on a planet that humans can't survive on. The whole process of driving on each planet really made me grow to hate Mass Effect. But then I'd remember how much I love the story and the characters and I'd try it again. Mass Effect is a roller coaster of emotion for me, and it's mostly rage.
5. Lost Via Domus
I know this game was a joke, but being a Lost junkie I decided to give a shot. Now I got a few achievements while checking it out, and I was gonna drop it because it just wasn't that fun...until I realized I was on my boyfriend's account. Did I mention he's the most intense 100% completion achievement whore? I panicked. Luckily, he was at work for 8 hours so I had some time to beat the game. Now the game was overall pretty easy, until two parts. The first was hiding from the smoke monster. Every freaking tree looked the same, and I couldn't figure out where to go. I got so frustrated. The next part was walking through caves. Not only could you run out of fire or fall down a pit, but you could get killed by darkness. I'm not kidding. I screamed when "You've been killed by the darkness" popped onscreen.
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I don't even recall any caves in the show. |
4. Portal
While playing through Portal, I fully understood what it meant to rage quit a game. I was playing it on my macbook, and at test 15 I slammed it closed. I felt so frustrated, humiliated, and overall angry. The game had beaten me. After a few nights sleep and a short hiatus from the game, I had a renewed energy and solved the puzzle in all of 2 minutes.
3. Any Online Multiplayer game
There will always be lag, there will always be n00bs. Combined, it makes for an awful experience. Unfortunately, this rage really just depends on some external factors of internet connection, game servers, and other players. There is nothing you can do about it, except play campaign.
2. Sneak King
The name says enough. Basically, my group decided to get every achievement in this awful game. We would play for hours every hangout, listening to the “Wah wah wah wooh wah wah” and getting stuck in glitchy patches. We still haven’t beaten it, but this game is definitely a rage fest waiting to happen.
1. Sonic The Hedgehog
Arguably the most glitchy game of all time. Here's evidence.
Meditate and focus on your breathing after reading this post. Patience is key. Speaking of patience, w0lfspirit is going to do a post later this week on the second lesson she's learned gaming: Patience.
In other news, congratulations to the winners of the Beta and indie game bundle draw! If you didn't win this time, don't worry...Assassionista will do more giveaways and maybe even a contest of sorts in the future (depending on reader support/interest). Assassionista also has started a This Week in Gaming History segment on our twitter and facebook pages. Basically, we list some key events that happened during the previous week in video game history. If you want to surprise everyone with your random gaming knowledge, check it out every Sunday.
As always,
PS. What games make you rage? What's the worst thing you've done out of frustration or angry caused from a video game?
Sneak King... hahaha... How many people have you had working on that sack o' crap? I made quite the dent when I came over on spring break! Now is only the best time to beat it!
Nice list. Only one i have truly rage quit on was "Demon Souls" I just could not take the restart at beginning with everything spawned back and now you have half life. Nope walked away..
I'm currently taking a break from Black Ops because I'm stuck on this mountain where I keep getting killed by an avalanche, getting separated from my team, or falling off a cliff. So stupid. I'm going to pretend that I haven't punched the couch in anger.
Good ol' Couch Pound. Best remedy for Rage.
For me, any COD game. Since I have increased my time playing online, I've used more expletives these past few months than I probably ever have my entire life.
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