May 6, 2011

Embracing the Rage Quit

Relax. Really, you need to relax. Relaxed yet? Ok.

This blog perfectly coincides with LadySnip3r’s recent post, ‘Top 8 Rage Games’. I’ve recently learned that true art of the “Rage Quit.” I mean, back in the day when I’d play Super Mario 3 on NES, I remember getting that twisted feeling in my stomach when I’d make a dumb move, (I have practically been playing that game since birth. There is no reason for me to make errors) but this is different. Going into a new gaming experience and trying to figure out how to complete that mission or solve that puzzle and doing it over and over again is exhausting and frustrating. But back to point I said: RELAX
Lesson #2: Patience
So I’m not going to sit here and pretend that I will not and never will do another rage quit, and I’m not going to tell you not to either. That’s not even what this post is only about anyway. Gaming is dynamic and involves so many other aspects besides you fully comprehending what is happening in the game. Besides that, you must also master pointing and shooting, aiming and walking, multitasking your eyes all over the screen, etc, etc.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like I’m too good to play easy mode...and then my ego gets crushed. When approaching a new game, don’t expect to be a pro right away. Humble yourself; maybe just stick with easy mode to start. You can (and will!) work your way up, don’t worry. Get a feel for how the controls work with the game, and make sure it’s a comfortable fit for you (search through ‘controls’ in the ‘options’ if something isn’t right and you might be able to fix it). I kind of think of gaming like driving a car. Try not to focus your eyes on a single thing, but keep your eyes constantly traveling around the screen, just like checking your mirrors. Practice walking around while focusing on specific objects. For example, in a first-person-shooter game you don’t necessarily need to be using your scope to aim, but you can get comfortable with using the cross-hares on the centre of the screen. Taking the time to familiarize yourself with this will make you feel much better later while you’re worried about opponents/enemies or in multiplayer.

If you’re starting to get frustrated, simply walk away. Here is where that rage quit comes in. Put down that controller and take a walk or a few day hiatus from the game so you can go back in feeling refreshed and complete that task without a problem (trust me, you will). I’m currently playing COD Black Ops on Playstation3, and I’m stuck at the most ridiculous part. Something tells me that being stuck on a mountain during an avalanche is not supposed to be the most difficult part of the game; however, that does not stop me from getting separated from my team or falling off a cliff. I haven’t played in 2 days, but I’ll take a shot at getting off that mountain tomorrow. Something tells me that I will be successful after having a break from that nonsense.

On a side note, I’m seriously considering changing my name from w0lfspirittt to something else. Any suggestions? I’m open to anything!

Until next time,

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