March 18, 2012

The Quickest Mass Effect 3 Review Ever

+ Spectacular graphics and animations
+ Smooth combat gameplay
+ Epic story and quests
+ That good ole' Mass Effect music
+/- Multiplayer (Not my thing, but someone else may enjoy it)
- Jessica Chobot (Why, Bioware...Why?)
- DLC already, seriously?
= Definitely worth playing, regardless of the internet haterade

For my longer review, click read more!

Almost 3 years ago, I was visiting my boyfriend when he decided it was time to play some video games. I hesitated, because the only games I enjoyed were the ones older than me, but he insisted. He put in Mass Effect and my world was changed. I couldn't believe the realistic graphics, the meaningful conversations, the immersive universe, the music...Oh, that music! I was sold. That day, we drove out to Best Buy and I purchased my first Xbox 360 and a copy of Mass Effect. True story.

That feeling, being lost in a video game world for the first time, is something that pushes Mass Effect 3 into one of my favorite games of all time. This game surpasses its predecessors and will be a game to reckon with for future Action/RPGs.

Mass Effect 3 has beautiful graphics and one of the smoothest transitions into cut scenes that I've ever seen. You'll walk into a room and without even thinking you're having a dynamic conversation with someone. Sometimes, I actually have to double check that I'm not controlling Shepard - it just feels so natural. The game also has very fluid animations, which are particularly noticeable during combat. The game just flows. There were rare moments when I felt "taken out of" the experience, something I believe Mass Effect does very well.

Mass Effect 3 also features some of the most peaceful, melodic, spacey music I've ever heard. I listen to Mass Effect 1's soundtrack occasionally to fall asleep and you can bet that I'll be doing the same with this one. Mass Effect's music has always been one of my favorite parts of the experience and it definitely lives up to what I've become to expect from the franchise.

Now for the best part, the story. The Mass Effect universe has always felt the most realistic to me out of a lot of fictional universes because of how much detail there is. I know more about Turians, Salarians, and Elcor than I do most human races. This attention to detail in storytelling is something that drives Mass Effect 3 and really brings the universe to a close. The game also creates a nostalgic, yet epic, mood by returning Shepard to familiar places, with familiar faces and really makes the player feel like he/she is saving the universe. The quests are unique and interesting and the story is deeper than ever.

This game steered a bit away from the franchise conventions by offering multiplayer and kinect support - which excited and enraged fans. I haven't had a chance to play the multiplayer, but I've heard good things. The great thing is that you don't even have to play the multiplayer aspect of the game if you don't want to, no achievements or level bonuses are lost. It's just there for those who want to enjoy it. Now, I have seen the kinect support in action and it is lovely. It's another way the game becomes immersive, allowing you to literally command your squad and participate in conversations.

Apart from all of these positive aspects of the game, there are a few negatives. First off, Jessica Chobot is a voice actor in the game. For those who don't know her, she's the host of IGN's Strategize on the Xbox dashboard and she is definitely NOT a voice actress. Her acting is atrocious, but we'll get to that in a later segment specifically on her role in the game (Stay tuned!). Luckily, you don't have to have her in your game for long, as you can deny her access to the Normandy, but I found it offensive that she was even in the game. Another definite negative of Mass Effect 3 is the day one DLC. I have a very strong stance against DLC, especially Day 1 DLC, and even more especially, over-priced DLC. Not only is just the very thought of this DLC bad, but the Marketplace description of it released major spoilers that I'm still recovering about. Tsk, Tsk Bioware. With a game where story is everything, spoilers is probably the worst idea ever.

Regardless of the internet rage about the DLC or the ending, you should definitely play Mass Effect 3. It is a great conclusion to the Mass Effect series and something that shouldn't be missed over some crazed fans.

This review will kick off a week jammed packed with everything Mass Effect - we'll feature reviews of all the games, opinion pieces on controversial ME3 internet rage, and much more.

As Always,

PS. Let me know if you've played through Mass Effect 3 and what you think of the game. Do you agree with my review or not? Please be courteous though and do not spoil any aspects of the game for other players.

1 comment:

AKA Carnage51 said...

ME 3 is a great game, not finished yet and EVERYONE hates on the ending I havent seen yet but still a great game

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