February 12, 2012

Valentine's Day Date Ideas

So you've got a nerdy significant other and want to show your love on V-Day? Here are some geeky, fun date ideas for the best Valentine's Day:

Have a Movie Marathon
Some great options: Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and The Matrix. Another fun option: Choose your favorite cheesy romantic star and do a marathon of their movies (Examples: Rachel McAdams, Mandy Moore, Channing Tantum, etc.). To add even more fun, bake some theme food to go along with the movie.
Speaking of theme food...

Try To Replicate Food in Your Favorite Game/Movie
Take some notes from Gourmet Gaming and attempt your own replicate meal. Even if the results don't turn out just right, you've still had a blast together in the kitchen.

Play Through a New Co-Op Game
Co-op games require teamwork, respect, and listening. Hmm that sounds an awful lot like the ingredients of a great relationship.

Make Kiddie-Style Valentine's Cards
Remember when you used to give Valentine's to everyone that meant something to you? As we grow up, we usually forget that Valentine's Day isn't just about our significant other and being in a relationship. Make some fun V-Day cards and give em out to everyone - your parents, your siblings, your friends, teachers, professors, boss,..everyone! You'll probably make their day. Plus it's super fun picking out Valentine's Day cards.

Hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day and please let me know if you do anything especially nerdy or romantic!

As Always,

1 comment:

TheByteSizer said...

I'm officially obsessed with Gourmet Gaming

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