February 10, 2012

The Quickest Skyrim Review Ever

I'm going to try out a new reviewing system instead of a mark out of 10. Let me know what you think and I may do more!

+ Amazing soundtrack
+ Breathtaking World
+ Perfect Menus
+ Customization
+ Unique Quests
- Average Graphics
- Bugs, Bugs, Bugs!
= If you haven't already, you should really play Skyrim.

 Click "Keep Readings" for full review!

The last time I enjoyed a game as much as I do Skyrim, I was 8 years old. It was Christmas day and I had just recieved my first Pokèmon game. As I put Pokèmon blue into my gameboy for the first time, I was both excited and nervous. My teal gameboy color was the first handheld console that was all mine, not my dad's, or my brother's. It was also going to be the first game that I played completely on my own, without help. It was my first "real" step into the world of gaming.

After going through the usual Pokèmon intros of naming my character, Prof. Oak giving me my first Pokèmon and I started my journey to be the best in Kanto. I was immediately hooked. I played all the time. I would play during meals, at recess, in the bathroom. I've put more hours into that Pokèmon game than any other, until now. Skyrim brings out that 8 year old gamer in me. I've only had Skyrim for about a month, but I've played every chance I get. I'm obsessed.

The game does a beautiful job of putting the gamer in the game and keeping them there. Players get to customize their character however they want, choosing one of many Skyrim races. I chose to play as a female Nord for my first playthrough because it felt like the most obvious choice for the hero of Skyrim - the Nord's native province.

The game offers competitively good graphics, but they could definitely be better. Comparing previous Elder Scrolls games, Skyrim takes the cake, but when comparing it's graphics to similar games that have come out in the past year, it falls short. There are already graphic boosting mods available for the PC version of the game, but the console editions will remain the same. However, the average graphics are easily ignored as they're used in awe-inspiring ways.

Since Skyrim is an open world game, you can explore practically every nook and cranny. This offers some breath-taking views of the world. I've spent hours climbing mountains just to look out over Skyrim. It's one of the things that keeps bringing me back to Skyrim. The game subtly encourages you to explore everything by a great map system. It keeps tracks of places you've visited, dungeons you've cleared, and allows you to play custom markers. Since I'm a bit of a completionist, I also downloaded a great app for my iPhone called Dragon Shout. It's just a big map of Skyrim and allows to place notes on different areas of the map. For example, you're clearing a dungeon and find a mine-able ore but don't have a pickaxe! Simply, leave a note on the app and visit the dungeon again with a pickaxe.

The game has an amazing soundtrack which mirrors the tone and feel of the game perfectly. The music flows naturally with the action and makes everything feel epic. I've developed the embarrassing habit of chanting along with the music when I level up and have actually made it my ringtone.

Skyrim is an incredible game with an interesting story, amazing music, and one of the most epic gaming experiences I have ever played. I would highly recommend playing this game no matter what kind of gamer you are.


Saint Braeic said...

You sing along when you level up too? Here I thought I was the only one...

Ive started an achievement-tracking blog, and I just finished all the cheevos on Skyrim and Im gonna post that soon. Check it out?


Anonymous said...

A co-worker of mine at DISH told me about this game, so I added it to my queue using Blockbuster@Home. This game looks like it will suck you in and occupy your life, if you let it. A word of warning though... if you purchase or rent this game, be prepared to say goodbye to your friends, family, and a huge portion of your free time. If he liked it so much I figured that maybe I should give it a go because he’s an avid gamer and I trust his opinion. Renting games with Blockbuster has saved me a ton of money on games in the long run; I would recommend trying it out if you like saving money.

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