April 9, 2011

First Post!

First posts are awkward. That being said, I will attempt to make it less awkward.

Last night, as I set up this whole thing, my boyfriend was busy playing some Crysis 2 multiplayer on Xbox Live. I haven't played the multiplayer aspect of the game yet, but boy is it beautiful. I'm about a third of the way through the campaign, probably because I continually get sidetracked exploring the expanses of New York city. I love being able to stealth your way through the maps, and the energy concept adds a dose of strategy to the typical shooter. This has been my first first person shooter ever and I've actually adapted pretty quickly. The controls are pretty user friendly, except for grenades. I don't know any game that makes you double tap a button to use anything. I also don't know how I feel about the multiplayer reusing maps from the campaign. I feel like the concept of fighting in New York could've been really highlighted through multiplayer by adding some more interesting maps. Either way, I think I have to play Crysis 2 a little bit more before I can really judge it.

In gaming news, today is pretty slow. Irrational Games are holding a contest where the winner will get their name somewhere in Bioshock Infinite (as a character, building, etc.). This contest runs till April 12, so enter now! I think that's a great idea to build hype for your game, and really gets fans into the experience. I hope more games do things like this in the future. I would love to be in the next Pokemon game as a trainer.
Lady Snip3r wants to battle! I choose you!

I hope this first post wasn't too awkward and I promise to finish some games, do some reviews, and update you on my sick future cosplay (hint: COG). Have a great weekend.

As always,

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